

Homeopathy - My Holistic Healing Journey

I’m pleased to share that after almost 5 years of studying, I have successfully graduated from the Irish School of Homeopathy as Registered, Licensed Homeopath, and now I can see patients on my own to treat them with this wonderful holistic medicine.

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Fit vs. Resilient

I went swimming today to improve my fitness level. However, the plan to work on my fitness rather turned into a self-developmental opportunity.  

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Am I ready?

This pic & post is a reminder to those who needs to see it, including myself.I took it this morning on Tuesday, the 8th February 2022, before a coaching session. I was not ready to join the call. I had no hairdo neither makeup on. I had hundreds of reasons why I shouldn't join the call. Then I thought, what the heck. I'm as ready as I can be. And I joined with my authentic appearance. LOLThe best decision ever! The session gave me such an inspiration and supported my creativity so intensively that I still feel being on fire!I've been connecting with awesome people ever since, making meaningful conversations and creating amazing contents to my clients. And this is just the start.Looking back, I was so frickin' ready for this, and I didn't need a mask to make it happen. It was in me, and it was all up to me. If I wait until it's all perfect, it might never gonna happen. Most people have developed a mastery in procrastinating; very few gets things starting. You could be in the latter group. It is only up to you! Get started, get going, go for your dream. Today. You've got this!If I can do it, so can you.Are you ready???

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