Homeopathy - My Holistic Healing Journey

Published on 28 June 2023 at 17:48

I’m pleased to share that after almost 5 years of studying, I have successfully graduated from the Irish School of Homeopathy as Registered, Licensed Homeopath, and now I can see patients on my own to treat them with this wonderful holistic medicine.


A massive chapter of my life came to an end on Sunday, the 18th June. It was a significant day; a real milestone in my life. Emotional, heavy and light at the same time.

I wouldn’t have ever thought that I would become a holistic health practitioner.

I did my first degree (BSc) in Teaching, back in 2001 (right bottom picture); I was only 24 at that time, with a lot of firm materialistic paradigms and beliefs.

Then, in 2013, while I was nursing my son, I graduated from The National School of Ireland with a Masters Degree in Human Resource Management. In line with my inherited conventional path.

And now, 10 years, another child (who is 8), lots of trauma and illness later, in June 2023 I graduated as a fully qualified Homeopath from the Irish School of Homeopathy. This is so different, that I feel like living a second life in the same lifetime.

I loved working in past-paced corporate environment for years. I thrived on stress. I loved to be angry, aggressive and impactful. Understanding, gentle, loving and kind was a foreign work environment for me. I was constantly under pressure, on the go, thriving for more recognition, more money while chasing the feeling of fulfillment. Nothing was enough or good enough. There was always more on the horizon that I aimed to achieve. It was non-stop. And I wasn’t aware of it. I was so involved in this world, never thought that I could/should live a different life.

Then 2016 came….

My son was diagnosed with Autism, my dad with Cancer and I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis.

This was a turning point for me. The first wake-up call.

My son was having big, dangerous tantrums, eating only 5 different foods, sleeping only 3-4 hours twice a day for 6 years, little interactions with the outside world, he was non-verbal with no compassion. I felt that I was losing him… he was swaying away from me… I was scared and afraid that I would lose him totally if he gets down the never-ending route of being medicated for the rest of his life. I would have never allowed this to happen. So, I Googled for help. I was desperate. I needed help and this help was not available in my extremely conventional family.

In July 2017, as a last resort, I went to see a Homeopath. It was a life changing experience. She provided a non-judgemental, safe, loving environment where she listened to our story for over 1.5 hours and offered support. Because of my upbringing, I didn’t believe in homeopathy, and I didn’t know too much about it either. But I trusted with my motherly instinct that this would help my son.

And it did. He had started to improve immediately. We couldn’t believe what we were witnessing. So, I had become curious about this medicine. What’s in it? Why does it work? How come it helps? I didn’t understand. My materialistic mind couldn’t comprehend it. In 2018 I attended to a one-day workshop to learn more about homeopathy, how it could be used for every day, cold & flu, coughs and aches. And we had started using natural remedies for sore throat, fever, coughs, cramps, etc. instead of over-the-counter medications. We were shocked each time that we recovered from any ailments much quicker and smoother than anyone else, who was still using the orthodox medicines. So, I wanted to learn more about it, to be able to extend its usage for my own chronic condition too. Since my son was doing so well, getting on wonderfully in mainstream class and his language skills and social interactions came along so nicely, I wasn’t worried for him anymore. I had more energy to focus on my own healing. In January 2019 I started the 5-month Home Prescriber Course in the Irish School of Homeopathy and graduated in the same year with a Home Prescriber Qualification. This 5-month-course proved me that this medicine works, but there is a lot more to learn about it if I wanted to use it effectively, for the rest of our lives. As we could organize our family life with 2 small kids and 2 elderly parents well, I found the way to spend one full weekend each month away from them: studying in college. It was a huge decision, but there was no other way. I had to sign up for the 4-year professional course. I just had to. The calling was so strong. We used the remedies every day, it was proven each time that it worked. I was hungry to learn more and to keep the momentum to live medication-free. Also, I wanted to prove my doctors wrong who told me in December 2016 that I would be on medication for the rest of my life due to my extremely advanced, strongly flaring ulcerative colitis. I didn’t want to believe them. Also, it didn’t sound right. The fighter in me wanted to prove them wrong. So, in September 2019, I enrolled the 4-year professional course.

It was a very long 4 years with lots of challenges, difficulties and victories too. We lost our father in October 2020, Pandemic happened, my corporate career didn’t work out the way I hoped and my body was fading…. In April 2021, I crashed. I had a massive burn-out. I couldn’t leave the bed for weeks. I was weak, depressed, anxious, fatigued, sad, hopeless. I took the summer off, rested a lot, attended to my holistic appointments and met ceremonial cacao. I traveled to Guatemala in November 2021 and came back with a new plan. I resigned from my corporate job and focused on finishing the last 2 years of this course with ease. I started seeing patients under supervision, while doing lots of self-care, meditation, soul-healing and a new diet. I was healing while I was healing others. I had my last IV medication in December 2021 and started 2022 with new energy, mindset and attitude. By the end of the third college year, I had helped 6 patients to get better and supported my own healing so well, that I have been living 100% inflammation and symptoms free since last Summer. In my last year of college, I saw almost 20 new patients and navigated their healing journey with these wonderful energy pills and drops.

Now, that I have graduated and have over 5 years’ experience in treating others with homeopathy, I am ready to extend my clinic’s circle and invite new patience into my well-being world; all of you who had enough conventional, toxic medications that are giving you lots of side effects and very little relief. All of you who wants change. Who wants to use natural, gentle, and effective remedies.


I have never been healthier and happier. My life has slowed down, I have entirely re-gained my own health and witnessed how my son has been living a full, independent life, as a bilingual, affectionate 11-year-old boy. My heart is full of compassion, understanding and love and I cannot wait to help more people to live with less pain and more joy.

I look forward to welcoming you in my homeopathic clinic soon and support your (and your family’s) healing journey in a non-judgmental, empathetic, kind & caring way.


Online and in-person appointments can be booked via DM or +353 872840277.

I’m based in Santry, Dublin 17, 5 minutes from Dublin Airport.


With love,


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