Health, Career, Life Coaching

Enrollment is now open for ARCH Ireland's 6-month hybrid well-being program:

Stop Hiding, Start Shining!

Overcome Self-doubt to Become COURAGEOUS, CONFIDENT, CONTENT AND CALM IN 2024

Life-Transforming Holistic Coaching Program 2024

– for those who are ready to create a Happy, Fulfilled & Balanced life in 2024, naturally –

Here’s what previous and current clients say, after working with Andrea:

I signed up for the Life Coaching program with Andrea, and a brand-new world opened up for me right away. Andrea is a wonderful teacher, coach and mentor. I would prescribe her to everybody who needs courage and confidence to live a happier and calmer life while succeeding at all aspects of life. Even just after a few weeks of working with Andrea, I could see improvements in my performance, career, business and relationships.” - Eva M.


"Evolving as a person with Andrea's support is a life-transforming opportunity to recognize and let go of your anxieties, fears, self-doubt and traumas, and re-ignite your energy, hidden passion, self-compassion, joy and inner-peace." - Lilian R.

About Andrea

If you don't who I am or what I do, my name is Andrea Reger, and I have been changing lives for better for over 20 years.

I have been guiding people on their life-transformation journey applying holistic care and non-judgmental support. I work best with those, who are ready to make a change to bring back calmness, confidence, courage, self-love, joy, passion, happiness, energy and fulfilment into their lives, guilt-free.

In the past, for over 16 years - while working in corporate leadership roles -, I was living an extremely stressful life. I prioritized everything and everyone before my own needs. I didn’t enjoy life despite having everything I needed: family, money, career, as I didn’t have what my soul wanted: passion, energy, joy, happiness, calmness, peace and balance.

My health had started deteriorating and it was almost too late when I realized, I had to do something about it. ABOUT ME. I suffered mental health problems and my gut health was compromised too. I overused stimulants to keep me going to a point when my body crashed and one day in April 2021, I couldn’t get out of bed. That was my wake-up call.

I did a lot of research over many years on how to cope with stress and find happiness without harmful substances or prescribed medications. I have discovered and studies amazing alternative ways over almost a decade and when I started implementing them into my life, changes started to happen instantly.

I resigned from my corporate job at the end of 2021, and since then, I have been supporting others on their self-developmental journey, full-time.

I have never been healthier, fitter, calmer and happier in my whole life. I feel confident, loved, supported, energized and fulfilled.....and this feeling comes from inside, rather than outside. And this is what I call an achievement that I'm very proud of!

I know you can change your life too and even if you cannot imagine it right now, calm mind, courageous attitude, confidence, energy, happiness and peace is achievable for you too! I will show you the way. ( read more, click here)

Most people wait until it's almost too late, to make a change to their life and lifestyle. But not you!


You are here, as you are ready to do what it takes to have a better quality life without harmful stimulants and toxic medications. I can help you along the way and guide you to make the change you need, to have a life you want!


This program is for you if you can resonate with one or more of the below descriptions:


You find yourself listening to news and the horrific events of the outside world often.

Your life looks perfect from outside.

You might have a well-paid job or a successful business, a nice home, new clothes, slim body, new car, busy social life, family, secure relationships, even a cute little dog or a kitty. But you are struggling inside due to one or more, of the following:

  • An invisible illness:
    • mental health is compromised: feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, lonely, fearful, having self-doubt, shame or even guilt
    • gut related: IBS, IBD (Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis)
    • constant headache, migraine
  • Abusive partner/family (verbal or physical): You are feeling alone, ignored, abandoned, lonely, not understood or misunderstood
  • Stressful, demanding, emotionally draining or unfulfilling job
  • Caring for an ill family member or parenting your challenging children
  • Having many fears
  • Childhood trauma
  • Nothing lights you up
  • Lost passion in your life

You might think:

  • It could be worse...
  • I have everything I need...
  • I should be happy... 
  • I don’t know who I am anymore...
  • It’s too late.... I'm too old, too this, too that....
  • I just need to work harder...
  • It’s too comfortable to give up what I have....
  • This is life....

You might feel:

  • Stuck, trapped
  • Lost
  • Struggling
  • Devastated
  • Lonely
  • Sad
  • Hopeless
  • Ashamed
  • Embarrassed
  • Guilty – “I have everything I shouldn’t think or feel this way”
  • Hate
  • Powerless
  • Run-down
  • Sorry for yourself

Your actions might include on or all of the below:

  • You might be overusing some or all of the stimulants; pills, alcohol, coffee, social media
  • You might not be as nice to your kids, partner, employees or even costumers than before
  • Over- or under-eating
  • Stress shopping – you buy things that you do not need, you sign up for courses you don't finish (sometimes don't even start)

These could eventually result in:

  • Addiction
  • Serious Chronic illness
  • Broken relationships
  • Unhealthy relationship with money
  • Self-destruction, self-harm
  • Isolation, loneliness


Questions for you:

  • Did you have enough?
  • Are you ready to start living your life to the fullest?
  • Are you ready to be your own priority at last?
  • Do you want to be heard and listened to?
  • Are you ready to take control over your own life and change your mindset which will instantly improve your life?
  • Do you want to learn constructive stress-coping mechanisms while being part of a judgement-free community?
  • Do you want to feel appreciated, happy, energized, calm and whole again without a harming substance?
  • Are you ready to enjoy your life with a clear mind and vision?


If your answer is YES to any of the above questions, get in touch to select the best suited program for you.

The time for a change is NOW.


Once you start the Courage Program, you will get the support you need, immediately.

Enrollment is now open!

The program includes the following:

  • One hour live, online (or in-person) 1:1 session every other week
  • 30-min weekly, online group mindset, coaching calls
  • 15-min on demand daily meditation class
  • Continuous health, mindset and emotional support
  • Customized program, which evolves in line with your development*

*Please note, that the applied approach and methods are always fully customized to each participants' needs. Here are some examples of the most popular methods and techniques that could be used during your program: mentoring, consulting, ceremonial cacao, meditation, sound-bathing, homeopathy, weight management, relaxation techniques, career and stress management, personal growth, self-improvement, relationship coaching, expat advise services, spiritual growth, cacao facilitator training and qualification.


  • Homeopathic consultation and remedies to support your development and vital force
  • 1 hour gift Sound-healing session


“I learnt how to think about what I want for my life, what my passions are and how I can develop a new life from them” L.R.

Andrea’s program will help anyone who is looking for a real and lasting change” L. R.

After Andrea’s sessions I didn’t just feel better about a bad situation, I was actually able to make those changes I hadn’t had courage to do before. Participating in Andrea’s sessions was a real life- changing experience” A.H.

Andrea is truly amazing, she supported me by showing empathy, encouragement and genuine care.” T.N.

I feel more confident about taking charge of my own life. I learnt how access my heart and as a result, I have successfully transformed my stressful life into a peaceful life without any external, harmful substance.” J.M.

The Courage Program 2024 was valued for €4,975.                                                                      

But now, you can secure your spot with a one-time investment of €2,999

Payment plan is available: €199 deposit plus 6 installments of €499



Email to to ask for a payment link and start improving your life immediately!

I'm ready to help you too!

With love, understanding and compassion. 
